
Guidelines and Brand Asset Library



Curiosity is what play is all about. And who can be more curious than children? One could argue, in the case of the Orange Otter, our eponymous mascot. Built to communicate the brand’s enthusiasm and sense of wonder, he (or she) is the cornerstone of the identity. With supporting elements adding whimsy and maybe even a couple manifestations bordering on mischief, the Orange Otter beautifully encapsulates the feel and fun of a thoughtful and different toy store experience.


Please refer to the following color builds for standards when creating assets for your brand. For print use CMYK and for digital and web applications use RGB or Hex. As a general rule one color or pattern won’t lead over another, but be aware of balance and context when choosing color for designs.

Color 1

CMYK: 0, 69, 81, 13
RGB: 221, 69, 43
HEX: #dd452b

Color 2

CMYK: 37, 12, 0, 11
RGB: 142, 199, 226
HEX: #8fc7e2

Color 3

CMYK: 55,0,23,0
RGB: 106, 201, 203
HEX: #004e8c

Color 4

CMYK: 1, 0, 1, 53
RGB: 118, 119, 118
HEX: #767776

Color 5

CMYK: 0, 53, 76, 13
RGB: 223, 105, 54
HEX: #df6936

Color 6

CMYK: 0, 14, 66, 0
RGB: 254, 219, 86
HEX: #fedb56

Color 7 (Accent Only)

CMYK: 45, 0, 32, 0
RGB: 139, 208, 188
HEX: #8bd0bc


Striking a balance between fun and an almost library-like educational feel, our palette was conceived to be very much at home in the smart-meets- creative world of Orange Otter. Differing weights of Omnes provide big, bold headline treatments, while Dunbar lends the aforementioned literary tone to our communications and way-finding.


Please refer to the following examples general guide for brand look and feel. Remember when designing Orange Otter Toy Store assets to be mindful of legibility and balance. It’s important to establish an informational hierarchy to clearly communicate our messaging and tone.

Let's Make it Real. Showpony is our trusted partner in taking everything we make from digital to tangible. From print to products, they do it all (and they do it well). Anything you'd like to see your brand on something that we haven't shown you? The Ponies can make it happen.
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