Guidelines and Brand Asset Library


Otterly Rediculous

There’s no doubt about it. The Otter House is a stunning home on an even more stunning piece of property. The attention to detail, colorful decor and sophisticated design truly set it apart from anything on the lake (and maybe elsewhere). Our goal is to create a complimentary mark that appropriately represents the spirit of the home and the Rhodes family.

01 Logos

Otter House logos and icons for digital (RGB) and print (CMYK) purposes can be found here. Please remember it’s ideal to lead with full color logos, but in instances where contrast is limited designs should use a reversed or one color option.



Earthy Active. This color palette is meant to blend into the existing colors without competing with the interior design of the home. Think “sporty outdoorsy”.

Please refer to the following color builds for standards when creating assets for your brand. For print use CMYK and for digital and web applications use RGB or Hex. As a general rule one color or pattern won’t lead over another, but be aware of balance and context when choosing color for designs.

Color 1 (Grey/Green)

CMYK: 67 / 27 / 40 / 4
RGB: 120 / 142 / 139
Hex: #788e8b
PMS: 7475U

Color 2 (Peach)

CMYK: 0 / 57 / 46 / 0
RGB: 243 / 118 / 98
Hex: #f37662
PMS: 2029U


While we always strive for color accuracy, there are many factors at play when viewing color on screen or on physical objects, like paper, signage and products. The “same” color will never look the same across different substrates—and even different monitors, screens and textures of paper reflect color slightly differently.

Therefore, please expect a certain amount of variation between print (chemicals on paper), web (light) and physical products (plastic/cloth/dyes, etc).

When color accuracy is paramount, we recommend printing using the Pantone Matching System (PMS). W/S will provide Pantone swatches upon request, which we recommend you approve before having anything printed.

We highly recommend you have your printer match colors to your satisfaction before moving forward on any print jobs.